Monday, January 24, 2011

Shutdown Multiple PCs

To remotely run commands on a PC, you can use the PsTools "psexec" . You can donwload the pstools
from the Microsoft website. Also you need to have administrative access on the remote PC.
                             psexec \\PCToManage cmdToRun

Example: If I want to stop the spooler service on COMP1 from COMP2:
On COMP2, I type: “psexec \\COMP1 net stop spooler”

If you want to execute a command on multiple PCs, you write the names of these PCs in a textfile.txt then:
                     psexec @textfile.txt cmdToRun

If you want to try to shutdown a PC remotely you have to use “psexec @TESTSHUT.txt shutdown”
where TESTSHUT.txt is a text file that contains in each line the name of the PCs that you would like to
shutdown. An example of TESTSHUT.txt is
If you want to restart use the –r option.
If the remote computers are locked, or have running application, you must use the –f option

Ifyou want to include this in a vbscript, you have to use the run method - to run the Command prompt -
in a WshShell Object

Option Explicit
Dim objShell
set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "%comspec% /k psexec @TESTSHUT.txt shutdown -r -f"

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I hope my blog was helpful and I would like to thank you for reading 

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