Thursday, August 27, 2015

Bind-Configuration - Named.conf

Named.conf Configuration file example:

acl” is access-control list, a group of networks and/or IP addresses. “ACL” are created to be applied in sections like “allow-recursion”… If an ACL is created but not applied, then it is useless
Named.conf configuration File (continue)
options in "named.conf"
“listen-on port 53 { listenon; }; the name server will listen to reply coming on the interface that has an IP address that is listed in the “listenon” access-list, also the request should have port 53 as destination port number ; instead of an acl name, you can type ip addresses of the interfaces separated by ;
Directory “/var/named” is the directory that contains cache and zone files.
“recursion” allow or disallow recursive lookup.
“forward only” it forward dns lookup and it doesn’t do recursive, “forward first” it tries first to forward and if it doesn’t get a reply, it does a recursive
“forwarders is a list DNS servers dedicated to be forwarders, so the server will send the request to them
blackhole” specify which Network/Ips are not allowed to query the server
"allow-query" specifies the clients that are allowed to request information about this zone. The default is to allow all query requests.
"allow-transfer" specifies the slave DNS servers that are allowed to request a transfer of the zone. Default is to allow all transfer requests. 
"Allow-Update" specifies the hosts that are allowed to dynamically update their information in their zone file. The default is to deny dynamic updates

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